Procurement Risk:




Government Policy

Q57 100/100

Does the country have legislation covering defence and security procurement with clauses specific to corruption risks, and are any items exempt from these laws?

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Legal framework Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. Requirements regarding government procurement are stipulated in the law on government procurement (‘Wet inzake…
Corruption risks Score: 100 / 100
Articles 9 and 10 of the law of 13 August 2011 on defence and security procurement explicitly forbid corruption, bribery, conflict of interest etc.…
Effectiveness Score: 100 / 100
A review of parliamentary documents and media articles does not reveal evidence of issues with the implementation of the legislation of defence procurement [1,…
Q58 100/100

Is the defence procurement cycle process, from assessment of needs, through contract implementation and sign-off, all the way to asset disposal, disclosed to the public?

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Formal procedures Score: 100 / 100
In terms of procurement, the Minister of Defense must follow a prescribed procedure as detailed in the law on public procurement. and the law…
Transparency Score: 100 / 100
Laws and royal decrees are available to the public. These include the government procurement law, and the law on defence and security procurement legislation…
Implementation Score: 100 / 100
The implementation process is detailed in the law on public procurement, the law on defence and security procurement and the royal decree on defence…
Q59 100/100

Are defence procurement oversight mechanisms in place and are these oversight mechanisms active and transparent?

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Independence Score: 100 / 100
At the beginning of each legislature, the House appoints from among its members, in accordance with Articles 157 and 158, thirteen effective members who…
Effectiveness Score: 100 / 100
Within the framework of its control mission, the Parliamentary Special Committee for Military Procurement and Sales has the following prerogatives [1]: (1) A right…
Transparency Score: 100 / 100
The Court of Auditors has full insight into all documents pertaining to the procurement process. The reports of the Court of Auditors are available…
Q60 100/100

Are potential defence purchases made public?

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Policies Score: 100 / 100
Forward planning is included in the Strategic Vision of the Minister of Defence [1]. This document is drawn up each legislature. It elaborates on…
Notice of planned purchases Score: 100 / 100
The Strategic Vision provides detailed information on capability procurement [1]. It includes detailed data on capability type, investment cost and envisaged timing. Moreover, the…
Q61 63/100

Are actual defence purchases made public?

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Comprehensiveness Score: 75 / 100
Defence purchases are published on the e-Procurement portal of the federal government and published in the ‘Bulletin van Overheidsaanbestedingen’ (Bulleting of Public Procurement) [1,…
Accessible data Score: 50 / 100
Information is generally provided in a full text format [1, 2]. While holding extensive information, the e-Procurement portal is found wanting in its user-friendliness.…

Capability Gap and Requirements Definition

Q62 NEI/100

What procedures and standards are companies required to have – such as compliance programmes and business conduct programmes – in order to be able to bid for work for the Ministry of Defence or armed forces?

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Formal policies Score: 75 / 100
There are no specific laws and procedures detailing how the government discriminates in its selection of suppliers and sub-contractors on the basis of their…
Consistent implementation Score: NEI / 100
There is Not Enough Information to score this indicator. Any candidates or tenderers having been the object of a condemnation pronounced by a court…
Q63 92/100

Are procurement requirements derived from a national defence and security strategy, and are procurement decisions well-audited? Are defence purchases based on clearly identified and quantified requirements?

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Procurement requirements Score: 75 / 100
The Strategic Vision starts out with a detailed analysis of the Belgian security environment up to 2030, and Belgium’s position within this environment [1].…
Scrutiny Score: 100 / 100
First, the Special Committee on Military Sales and Procurement has the right of control on procurement procedures of Belgian Defence [1, 2]. The Minister…
Purchases Score: 100 / 100
The requirements are identified in the Strategic Vision, depending on the national security analysis and the detailed outlined policy and goals for Belgium [1].…

Tender Solicitation, Assessment and Contract Award

Q64 75/100

Is defence procurement generally conducted as open competition or is there a significant element of single-sourcing (that is, without competition)?

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Open competition Score: 75 / 100
In principle, defence procurements are conducted in open competition, as required by the legislative framework on general public procurement, and defence and security public…
Scrutiny of single/restricted competition procedures Score: 75 / 100
Single-sourced contracts can be scrutinised by the Inspection of Finances, the Commission of Defence Purchases and Sales, and the Council of Ministers. These bodies…
Q65 88/100

Are tender boards subject to regulations and codes of conduct and are their decisions subject to independent audit to ensure due process and fairness?

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Conflicts of interest Score: 75 / 100
Articles 9 and 10 of the law of 13 August 2011 explicitly forbid any conflict of interest [1]. Personnel of Belgian Defence have to…
Audit Trail Score: 100 / 100
The adjudicators shall keep a record of the progress of all procurement procedures, whether or not they are conducted by electronic means [1]. To…
Transparency Score: 100 / 100
Articles 22, 23 and 24 of the law of public procurement of defence and security stipulates the regulations of tender boards and, including on…
Scrutiny Score: 75 / 100
The appropriateness of the tender specifications is verified internally within DGMR and the internal control office of the Budget Department (BFC) [1]. They are…
Q66 92/100

Does the country have legislation in place to discourage and punish collusion between bidders for defence and security contracts?

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Legal framework Score: 100 / 100
Book IV of the Code of Economic Law prohibits collusion between bidders in articles 5 and 6. Articles 245-247, which details consequences of bribery…
Sanctions Score: 75 / 100
The Law on Public Procurement states that, for procurement surpassing the treshold of EU publication, companies can be excluded from the procurement process in…
Enforcement Score: NEI / 100
There is Not Enough Information to score this indicator. No evidence of collusion cases between bidders for defence and security contracts was found. Additionally,…
Training Score: 100 / 100
Training to identify collusion patterns and to report potential malpractice is part of the code of conduct training which all individuals working in procurement…

Contract Delivery and In-Service Support

Q67 75/100

Are there mechanisms and procedures that ensure that contractors meet their obligations on reporting and delivery?

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Reporting policies & procedures Score: 75 / 100
There are formal procedures in place for reporting, monitoring, and assessing a supplier’s service and or delivery obligations. The royal decree of 14 January…
Transparency Score: 100 / 100
First, according to the law of 17 June 2013, all candidates and bidders need to be informed of the motivated outcome of each tender…
Monitoring Score: 50 / 100
Formal contracts monitoring reports are not systematically produced, but evaluation of performance is systematically performed, and insufficient performance is considered as breach of contract,…
Enforcement Score: NEI / 100
There is Not Enough Information to score this indicator. No evidence of breaches of contract were found [1, 2]. Sanctions are stipulated in the…
Q68 92/100

Are there mechanisms in place to allow companies to complain about perceived malpractice in procurement, and are companies protected from discrimination when they use these mechanisms?

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Complaints mechanisms Score: 100 / 100
Complaints related to the contract award process may be filed (and are regularly filed) with the Conseil d’Etat (highest administrative court) [1]. Complaints related…
Effectiveness and Accessibility Score: 75 / 100
Court proceedings in Belgium are relatively reasonably priced and are therefore regularly used in public procurement matters [1, 2, 3]. There are long waiting…
Retaliation Score: 100 / 100
This type of discrimintation is forbidden by the law on public procurement [1]. No evidence was found of contractors being discriminated after genuine complaints…
Q69 88/100

What sanctions are used to punish the corrupt activities of a supplier?

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Sanctions Score: 75 / 100
Economic operators who have been convicted of corruption also have to be excluded from all defence and security procurement, as stated in Article 20…
Undue influence Score: 100 / 100
The Central Office for the Repression of Corruption is the entity that deals with corruption, concussion and interest taking and misappropriation [1]. OCRC has…
Application of sanctions Score: NEI / 100
There is Not Enough Information to score this indicator. No cases of corrupt activities of suppliers were found [1, 2]. There is no evidence…

Offset Contracts

Q70 NEI/100

When negotiating offset contracts, does the government specifically address corruption risk by imposing anti-corruption due diligence on contractors and third parties?

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Legal framework Score: 75 / 100
Offset contracts are illegal under European Union law [1]. They are only authorised when an exemption from EU las such are Article 346 TFEU…
Due diligence Score: NEI / 100
There is Not Enough Information to score this indicator [1, 2]. Belgium follows the EU regulations, but there are clear procedural guidelines. In practice,…
Q71 25/100

How does the government monitor offset contracts?

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Policies & procedures Score: 25 / 100
While policies and procedures that outline the reporting and delivery obligations for offset contracts are drawn up by the Federal Public Service Economy, they…
Transparency Score: 25 / 100
The government does not make any details about off-set contracts transparent [1]. However, civilians may request information based on the Law of Freedom of…
Monitoring Score: 25 / 100
Officials in the FPS Economy regularly produce a completion report with supplier performance appraisals, but these reports are not publicly available [1, 2].
Enforcement Score: NEI / 100
Action is always taken if a contract is not sufficiently completed. However, as this concerns the essential security interests of the country, these cases…
Q72 100/100

What level of competition are offset contracts subject to?

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Score: 100 / 100
What this assessment understands as “offset contracts” are, in Belgium, actually not separate contracts. When Belgium deems it necessary to take measures aiming at…

Agents / Brokers

Q73 NEI/100

How strongly does the government control the company’s use of agents and intermediaries in the procurement cycle?

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Policies Score: 75 / 100
Economic operators may use agents, but at their own risks and at their own expenses. The same constraints apply to such agents as to…
Enforcement Score: NEI / 100
There is Not Enough Information to score this indicator. No cases of corrupt activities of suppliers were found.There is no evidence in the media…

Financing Package

Q74 0/100

Are the principal aspects of the financing package surrounding major arms deals, (such as payment timelines, interest rates, commercial loans or export credit agreements) made publicly available prior to the signing of contracts?

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Score: 0 / 100
This information is made available to all control organs (Inspectorate of Finance, Parliament, Council of Ministers, Cour des Comptes), but is considered commercially sensitive…

Seller Influence

Q75 NS/100

How common is it for defence acquisition decisions to be based on political influence by selling nations?

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Prevalence: selling nations Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. It is very likely that major arms procurement programmes (major platforms such as aircraft,…
Justification Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. In terms of procurement, the Minister of Defense must follow a prescribed procedure as…
Prevalence: domestic pressures Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. As mentioned earlier, Belgium is a small country in terms of defence, defence issues…