Do national defence and security institutions have beneficial ownership of commercial businesses? If so, how transparent are details of the operations and finances of such businesses?
31a. Extent of commercial ventures
SCORE: 50/100
Lebanon score: 50/100
Score: 0/100
Defence institutions have ownership (or are believed to have ownership) of commercial businesses that are major enterprises, or constitute more than 10% of the defence budget.
Score: 25/100
Score: 50/100
Defence and security institutions have some ownership of commercial businesses, but totaling less than 10% of the defence budget.
Score: 100/100
Defence and security institutions do not own commercial businesses of any significant scale. (Equivalent to 1% of the defence budget or less.)
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
31b. Transparency
SCORE: 50/100
Lebanon score: 50/100
Score: 0/100
These businesses are not publicly declared and are wholly non-transparent.
Score: 25/100
Only some businesses are publicly declared. Details of their operations and finances are not fully transparent.
Score: 50/100
These businesses are publicly declared, though details of their operations and finances are not transparent.
Score: 75/100
All or most ownership of commercial businesses is publicly declared. Either operations and finances are transparent, but not both.
Score: 100/100
Any ownership of commercial businesses is publicly declared, with details of their operations and finances being transparent, fully disclosed, and with standards of governance equivalent to publicly owned commercial enterprises.
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
Compare scores by country
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Country |
31a. Extent of commercial ventures |
31b. Transparency |
Albania | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Algeria | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Angola | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Argentina | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Armenia | 75 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Australia | 100 / 100 | NA |
Azerbaijan | 100 / 100 | NA |
Bahrain | 100 / 100 | NA |
Bangladesh | NEI | 25 / 100 |
Belgium | 100 / 100 | NA |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 100 / 100 | NA |
Botswana | 100 / 100 | NA |
Brazil | 100 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Burkina Faso | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Cameroon | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Canada | 75 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Chile | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
China | NEI | 25 / 100 |
Colombia | 50 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 75 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Denmark | 100 / 100 | NA |
Egypt | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Estonia | 100 / 100 | NA |
Finland | 100 / 100 | NA |
France | 100 / 100 | NA |
Germany | 100 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Ghana | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Greece | 100 / 100 | NA |
Hungary | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
India | 25 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Indonesia | 100 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Iran | 0 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Iraq | 25 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Israel | 100 / 100 | NA |
Italy | 100 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Japan | 100 / 100 | NA |
Jordan | 0 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Kenya | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Kosovo | 100 / 100 | NA |
Kuwait | 100 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Latvia | 100 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Lebanon | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Lithuania | 100 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Malaysia | 0 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Mali | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Mexico | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Montenegro | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Morocco | 100 / 100 | NA |
Myanmar | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Netherlands | 100 / 100 | NA |
New Zealand | 100 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Niger | 100 / 100 | NA |
Nigeria | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
North Macedonia | 100 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Norway | 100 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Oman | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Palestine | 100 / 100 | NA |
Philippines | 100 / 100 | NA |
Poland | 100 / 100 | NA |
Portugal | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Qatar | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Russia | NEI | 50 / 100 |
Saudi Arabia | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Serbia | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Singapore | 100 / 100 | NA |
South Africa | 100 / 100 | NA |
South Korea | 100 / 100 | NA |
South Sudan | 25 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Spain | 100 / 100 | NA |
Sudan | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Sweden | 100 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Switzerland | 0 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Taiwan | 100 / 100 | NA |
Tanzania | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Thailand | 50 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Tunisia | 100 / 100 | NA |
Turkey | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Uganda | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Ukraine | 0 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
United Arab Emirates | 100 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
United Kingdom | 75 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
United States | 100 / 100 | NA |
Venezuela | 0 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Zimbabwe | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |