Is the legislature (or the appropriate legislative committee or members of the legislature) given full information for the budget year on the spending of all secret items relating to national security and military intelligence?
SCORE: 75/100
New Zealand score: 75/100
Score: 0/100
The legislature is provided with no information on spending on secret items.
Score: 25/100
The legislature is provided with very limited or abbreviated information on secret items, or expenditure on secret items is entirely aggregated.
Score: 50/100
The legislature is provided with information on spending on secret items, but description of expenditures is generalised into categories, or some data is presented in an aggregated manner.
Score: 75/100
The legislature is generally provided with extensive information on spending on secret items, which includes detailed, line item descriptions of expenditures, and disaggregated data. However, there are some omissions of information.
Score: 100/100
The appropriate legislative committee or members of the legislature are provided with extensive information on all spending on secret items, which includes detailed, line item descriptions of all expenditures, and disaggregated data.
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
Compare scores by country
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Country |
27. |
Albania | 25 / 100 |
Algeria | 0 / 100 |
Angola | NEI |
Argentina | NEI |
Armenia | 75 / 100 |
Australia | 75 / 100 |
Azerbaijan | 0 / 100 |
Bahrain | 0 / 100 |
Bangladesh | 0 / 100 |
Belgium | 100 / 100 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 75 / 100 |
Botswana | 25 / 100 |
Brazil | 25 / 100 |
Burkina Faso | 0 / 100 |
Cameroon | 0 / 100 |
Canada | 50 / 100 |
Chile | 25 / 100 |
China | 0 / 100 |
Colombia | 25 / 100 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 0 / 100 |
Denmark | 25 / 100 |
Egypt | 0 / 100 |
Estonia | 75 / 100 |
Finland | 75 / 100 |
France | 25 / 100 |
Germany | 100 / 100 |
Ghana | NEI |
Greece | 0 / 100 |
Hungary | 25 / 100 |
India | 25 / 100 |
Indonesia | 25 / 100 |
Iran | 0 / 100 |
Iraq | 25 / 100 |
Israel | 75 / 100 |
Italy | 25 / 100 |
Japan | 75 / 100 |
Jordan | 0 / 100 |
Kenya | 0 / 100 |
Kosovo | 25 / 100 |
Kuwait | 25 / 100 |
Latvia | 100 / 100 |
Lebanon | 25 / 100 |
Lithuania | 75 / 100 |
Malaysia | 0 / 100 |
Mali | 0 / 100 |
Mexico | NEI |
Montenegro | 0 / 100 |
Morocco | 0 / 100 |
Myanmar | 0 / 100 |
Netherlands | 25 / 100 |
New Zealand | 75 / 100 |
Niger | 25 / 100 |
Nigeria | 25 / 100 |
North Macedonia | 75 / 100 |
Norway | 100 / 100 |
Oman | 0 / 100 |
Palestine | 0 / 100 |
Philippines | 25 / 100 |
Poland | 50 / 100 |
Portugal | 0 / 100 |
Qatar | 0 / 100 |
Russia | 50 / 100 |
Saudi Arabia | 0 / 100 |
Serbia | 25 / 100 |
Singapore | 0 / 100 |
South Africa | NEI |
South Korea | NEI |
South Sudan | 25 / 100 |
Spain | 75 / 100 |
Sudan | NA |
Sweden | 100 / 100 |
Switzerland | 100 / 100 |
Taiwan | 75 / 100 |
Tanzania | 0 / 100 |
Thailand | 0 / 100 |
Tunisia | 0 / 100 |
Turkey | 0 / 100 |
Uganda | 25 / 100 |
Ukraine | 50 / 100 |
United Arab Emirates | 0 / 100 |
United Kingdom | 100 / 100 |
United States | 75 / 100 |
Venezuela | 0 / 100 |
Zimbabwe | 0 / 100 |