Do the armed forces have military doctrine addressing corruption as a strategic issue on operations?
51a. Military doctrine
SCORE: 75/100
New Zealand score: 75/100
Score: 0/100
The country does not consider corruption a strategic issue for operations.
Score: 25/100
The armed forces may be aware of corruption as a strategic issue for operations, but there is no explicit doctrine on this subject.
Score: 50/100
The country has a military doctrine addressing corruption issues for peace and conflict, which briefly addresses how to mitigate this challenge, but there is little emphasis on the practicalities of implementation.
Score: 75/100
The country has a comprehensive and detailed military doctrine addressing corruption issues for peace and conflict operations, including the recognition that deployments can exacerbate corruption risks. However, the doctrine may not address risks at all levels or may not provide detailed and practical guidance for implementation.
Score: 100/100
The country has a comprehensive and detailed military doctrine addressing corruption issues for peace and conflict operations at strategic, operational and tactical levels. The doctrine recognises that international actors can contribute to increasing corruption risks and offers guidance on mitigating these risks. Issues addressed by the doctrine include support for political actors, contracting, interaction with local population, partnering with local forces, and security sector reform in operational contexts. The doctrine also details the practicalities of implementation.
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
51b. Transparency
SCORE: 50/100
New Zealand score: 50/100
Score: 0/100
No aspect of the doctrine is made publicly available.
Score: 50/100
Some aspects of the doctrine are made publicly available, but not all of them.
Score: 100/100
The doctrine is made publicly available.
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
Compare scores by country
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Country |
51a. Military doctrine |
51b. Transparency |
Albania | 0 / 100 | NA |
Algeria | 0 / 100 | NA |
Angola | 0 / 100 | NA |
Argentina | 0 / 100 | NA |
Armenia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Australia | 25 / 100 | NA |
Azerbaijan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Bahrain | 0 / 100 | NA |
Bangladesh | 0 / 100 | NA |
Belgium | 0 / 100 | NA |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 25 / 100 | NA |
Botswana | 0 / 100 | NA |
Brazil | 0 / 100 | NA |
Burkina Faso | 25 / 100 | NA |
Cameroon | 0 / 100 | NA |
Canada | 0 / 100 | NA |
Chile | 0 / 100 | NA |
China | 25 / 100 | NA |
Colombia | 75 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 0 / 100 | NA |
Denmark | 0 / 100 | NA |
Egypt | 0 / 100 | NA |
Estonia | 25 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Finland | 0 / 100 | NA |
France | 0 / 100 | NA |
Germany | 0 / 100 | NA |
Ghana | 25 / 100 | NA |
Greece | 0 / 100 | NA |
Hungary | 0 / 100 | NA |
India | 0 / 100 | NA |
Indonesia | 25 / 100 | NA |
Iran | 0 / 100 | NA |
Iraq | 25 / 100 | NA |
Israel | 0 / 100 | NA |
Italy | 25 / 100 | NA |
Japan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Jordan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Kenya | 25 / 100 | NA |
Kosovo | 0 / 100 | NA |
Kuwait | 25 / 100 | NA |
Latvia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Lebanon | 25 / 100 | NA |
Lithuania | 0 / 100 | NA |
Malaysia | 25 / 100 | NA |
Mali | 0 / 100 | NA |
Mexico | 0 / 100 | NA |
Montenegro | 0 / 100 | NA |
Morocco | 0 / 100 | NA |
Myanmar | 0 / 100 | NA |
Netherlands | 25 / 100 | NA |
New Zealand | 75 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Niger | 0 / 100 | NA |
Nigeria | 25 / 100 | NA |
North Macedonia | 25 / 100 | NA |
Norway | 50 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Oman | 0 / 100 | NA |
Palestine | 0 / 100 | NA |
Philippines | 0 / 100 | NA |
Poland | 0 / 100 | NA |
Portugal | 0 / 100 | NA |
Qatar | 0 / 100 | NA |
Russia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Saudi Arabia | 25 / 100 | NA |
Serbia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Singapore | 0 / 100 | NA |
South Africa | 25 / 100 | NA |
South Korea | 0 / 100 | NA |
South Sudan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Spain | 0 / 100 | NA |
Sudan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Sweden | 0 / 100 | NA |
Switzerland | 0 / 100 | NA |
Taiwan | 25 / 100 | NA |
Tanzania | 25 / 100 | NA |
Thailand | 25 / 100 | NA |
Tunisia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Turkey | 0 / 100 | NA |
Uganda | 0 / 100 | NA |
Ukraine | 0 / 100 | NA |
United Arab Emirates | 0 / 100 | NA |
United Kingdom | 25 / 100 | NA |
United States | 25 / 100 | NA |
Venezuela | 25 / 100 | NA |
Zimbabwe | 0 / 100 | NA |