Key Recommendations

Transparency International – Defence & Security urges companies to increase corporate transparency through meaningful disclosures of:
  • their corporate political engagement – a particularly high-risk issue in this sector – including their political contributions, charitable donations, lobbying and public sector appointments for all jurisdictions in which they are active;
  • their procedures and steps taken to prevent corruption in the highest risk areas, such as their supply chain, agents and intermediaries, joint ventures and offsets;
  • their procedures for the assessment and mitigation of corruption risks associated with operating in high-risk markets, as well as acknowledgement of the corruption risks associated with such practices;
  • their beneficial ownership and publicly advocate for governments to adopt data standards on beneficial ownership transparency;
  • all fully consolidated subsidiaries and non-fully consolidated holdings, and state publicly that they will not work with businesses which operate with deliberately opaque structures; and,
  • the nature of work, their countries of operation and the countries of incorporation of their fully consolidated subsidiaries and non-fully consolidated holdings.