Financial Risk:




Asset Disposals

Q24 75/100

How effective are controls over the disposal of assets, and is information on these disposals, and the proceeds of their sale, transparent?

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Controls Score: 100 / 100
The disposal of assets is regulated in Minister of Defence Regulation No. 18/2017 [1], which was issued in compliance with Minister of Finance Regulation…
Transparency of disposal process Score: 75 / 100
The disposal of state property other than land and/or buildings in the Ministry of Defence and Indonesian National Defence Forces can be completed in…
Transparency of financial results of disposals Score: 50 / 100
Property users that conduct disposal of assets must submit a report to the manager of the goods, i.e. the Ministry of Finance, no later…
Q25 25/100

Is independent and transparent scrutiny of asset disposals conducted by defence establishments, and are the reports of such scrutiny publicly available?

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Scrutiny Score: 50 / 100
Minister of Defence Regulation No. 18/2017 stipulates the procedures for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the removal of goods, including weapons systems, in…
Independence Score: NEI / 100
This indciator is marked ‘Not Enough Information’ as information regarding the removal or destruction of state property will be recorded in the official report…
Transparency Score: 0 / 100
No audit reports on the disposal or removal of weapons are accessible to the public. A search on the internet only found news about…

Secret Budgets

Q26 NA/100

What percentage of defence and security expenditure in the budget year is dedicated to spending on secret items relating to national security and the intelligence services?

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Score: NEI / 100
This indicator is marked ‘Not Enough Information’ because it is not possible to calculate this percentage. In principle, there are no secret items because…
Q27 25/100

Is the legislature (or the appropriate legislative committee or members of the legislature) given full information for the budget year on the spending of all secret items relating to national security and military intelligence?

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Score: 25 / 100
In theory, parliament must be provided with information regarding spending on secret items, but this information is only presented in aggregate form. This limitation…
Q28 50/100

Are audit reports of the annual accounts of the security sector (the military and intelligence services) subject to parliamentary debate?

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Comprehensiveness Score: 50 / 100
The BPK presents the results of the audit of the central government’s financial report to the DPR at the plenary session in May [1].…
Parliamentary scrutiny Score: 50 / 100
Parliament follows up on BPK audit findings by asking the government to report on the implementation of the BPK recommendations. The BPK report examines…
Q29 100/100

In law, are off-budget military expenditures permitted, and if so, are they exceptional occurrences that are well-controlled? In practice, are there any off-budget military expenditures? If so, does evidence suggest this involves illicit economic activity?

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Permitted exceptions Score: 100 / 100
Article 25 of Law No. 3/2002 concerning National Defence and Article 66 of Law No. 34/2004 concerning the Indonesian National Defence Forces stipulate that…
Recording mechanisms Score: NA / 100
This indicator is marked ‘Not Applicable’ as there is no off-budget military expenditure (see 29A)
Prevalence Score: 100 / 100
Interviewees stated that the term ‘off-budget’ no longer existed after the Reformation era because all budgets have to be administered or accounted for [1].…
Q30 50/100

Are mechanisms for accessing information from the defence sector effective?

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Legal framework Score: 50 / 100
There are a number of regulations governing the obligations and limitations of the Ministry of Defence, as a public body, related to providing information…
Classification of information Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not scored in the GDI. In general, information is divided into two categories: information that must be provided and announced and…
Effectiveness Score: 50 / 100
Law No. 14/2008 concerning Openness of Public Information regulates the existence of the Information Commission (KIP), an independent institution that implements this law, establishes…
Q31 63/100

Do national defence and security institutions have beneficial ownership of commercial businesses? If so, how transparent are details of the operations and finances of such businesses?

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Extent of commercial ventures Score: 100 / 100
In the past, TNI business activities have been carried out without any government control or supervision. Military business was claimed to have contributed to…
Transparency Score: 25 / 100
Law No. 25/1992 concerning Cooperatives stipulates that financial statements must be submitted to the management of the cooperative through the annual members’ meeting (Rapat…

Military-owned Businesses

Q32 25/100

Are military-owned businesses subject to transparent independent scrutiny at a recognised international standard?

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Independent scrutiny Score: 50 / 100
There is no information confirming whether the audits of financial statements of cooperatives, including TNI business, are carried out by independent auditors. Yayasan Adi…
Transparency Score: 0 / 100
The audit result regarding the financial condition of cooperatives is said to have been discussed during the annual members’ meeting (RAT) [1], but it…

Illegal Private Enterprise

Q33 NEI/100

Is there evidence of unauthorised private enterprise by military or other defence ministry employees? If so, what is the government’s reaction to such enterprise?

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Prohibition Score: 100 / 100
Since the Reformation, the TNI has been banned from engaging in business activities, either in an institutional or private capacity, through Law No. 34/2004…
Prevalence Score: NEI / 100
There is insufficient evidence to score this indicator; as such, it has been marked ‘Not Enough Information’. An interview with the former Chief of…

Actual Military Spending

Q77 69/100

Is comprehensive data on actual spending on defence published during the budget year?

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Proactive publication Score: 75 / 100
Reports on actual spending can be found in the Central Government Financial Report (Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat/LKPP), which is published by the Ministry of…
Comprehensiveness Score: 50 / 100
In the LKPP, data on actual spending is presented in aggregate form and organised by ministry and function [1]. There are no specific financial…
Timeliness Score: 100 / 100
The Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) is published by the Ministry of Finance [1] in April or May of the following year [2].
Comparison against budget Score: 50 / 100
The LKPP presents comparisons of various budgets with actual spending in aggregate form (central government) and by function (there are 11 functions including defence)…