Political Risk:




Defence and Security Policy and Policy Transparency

Q1 92/100

Is there formal provision for effective and independent legislative scrutiny of defence policy?

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Formal rights Score: 100 / 100
According to the Code of the military system (Codice dell’ordinamento militare) and to the attributions of the Parliamentary Defence Committees, the Parliament scrutinises the…
Effectiveness Score: 75 / 100
Parliament approves the defence budget each year [3]. Decision regarding security and defence issues are mainly taken by legislative decrees, hence the parliamentary involvement…
Independent legislature scrutiny Score: 100 / 100
With particular reference to modernisation and acquisition programmes (art. 536 of the Code of the military system) the Parliament has the capacity to express…
Q2 75/100

Does the country have an identifiable and effective parliamentary defence and security committee (or similar such organisations) to exercise oversight?

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Formal rights Score: 100 / 100
In Italy there are two standing parliamentary committees — one for each Chamber of the Parliament — that exercise oversight over defence and security…
Expertise Score: 50 / 100
The lists of Committees’ members are publicly available on the website of the respective Chambers [1] [2]. Nonetheless, apart from their membership affiliations prior…
Responsive policymaking Score: 50 / 100
The political direction of defence policies are mainly carried out by the Executive, and the Committees participate in this process by (dis-)agreeing to the…
Short-term oversight Score: 100 / 100
Committees meet in different composition, in a reporting capacity, in a consultative role, in an inquiring capacity, more than once a month [1]. For…
Long-term oversight Score: 100 / 100
Committees are allowed to carry out interrogations and questions on every aspect of the defence policies that results in auditions and fact-finding survey [1]…
Institutional outcomes Score: 50 / 100
Defence committees can propose recommendations that can be included in the decrees of the government. On specific aspects related to budgetary issues, should modification…
Q3 75/100

Is the country’s national defence policy or national security strategy debated and publicly available?

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Scope of involvement Score: 100 / 100
Issues related to defence policy and security strategies are debated publicly and in different formats. It mainly occurs through interviews [1], articles on newspapers…
Scope of debate Score: 75 / 100
According to the source consulted, discussion can reach an in-depth analysis. In this regards, the Istituto Affari Internazionali, a Rome-based think tank, produces research,…
Public consultations Score: 75 / 100
Public consultations do not occur regularly. During the preparation process of the 2015 White Paper on Defence, there was a public consultation process that…
Transparency Score: 50 / 100
On the websites of various ministries – Defence, Foreign Affairs, Economic Development and Economy – as well as on those of the parliamentary standing…
Q4 67/100

Do defence and security institutions have a policy, or evidence, of openness towards civil society organisations (CSOs) when dealing with issues of corruption?

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Policy of openness Score: 50 / 100
The Three-Year Corruption Prevention Plans were approved since 2015. In the 2016-2018 plan, one can find specific mentions of civil society organisations’ involvement, included…
CSO protections Score: 75 / 100
Article 18 of the Italian Constitution protects the right of citizens to form associations freely [1]. A formal list of CSOs operating in Italy…
Practice of openness Score: 75 / 100
Within the framework of the 2016-2018 Three-Year Corruption Prevention Plan, awareness projects on issues of anti-corruption were established in collaboration with civil society entities…
Q5 75/100

Has the country signed up to the following international anti-corruption instruments: UNCAC and the OECD Convention?

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Signatory and Ratification status Score: 100 / 100
Italy is one of the major defence exporters worldwide [1]. It has signed and ratified the UNCAC [2], the Group of States against Corruption…
Compliance Score: 50 / 100
According to the last UNCAC Country report of 2019, there is room for improvement in the implementation of the convention. Among the advised improvements…
Q6 63/100

Is there evidence of regular, active public debate on issues of defence? If yes, does the government participate in this debate?

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Public debate Score: 75 / 100
Public debate on defence issues outside the government is generally inconstant and mainly focused on two main aspects: armament acquisition/export and personnel deployed abroad.…
Government engagement in public discourse Score: 50 / 100
Engagement of the government in public discussion remains very limited and sporadic. Nonetheless, when this occurs it can be on several aspects of the…
Q7 88/100

Does the country have an openly stated and effectively implemented anti-corruption policy for the defence sector?

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Anti-corruption policy Score: 100 / 100
According to Law 190/2012, the so called Legge Severino, the whole apparatus of Public Administration has to adopt an anticorruption and transparency plan [1].…
Effective implementation Score: 75 / 100
Article 1(3) of law 190/2012 [1] also requires public administrations to publish all measures and actions undertaken to counter corruption. The document also defines…
Q8 83/100

Are there independent, well-resourced, and effective institutions within defence and security tasked with building integrity and countering corruption?

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Mandate and resources Score: 75 / 100
Since 22 July 2019, the Anticorruption Supervisor of the Ministry of Defence is Admiral Inspector Sabino Imperscrutabile [1], who, in the performance of his…
Independence Score: 75 / 100
According to article 1(7) of law 190/2012, all public administrations are required to identify a person responsible for the implementation and oversight of the…
Effectiveness Score: 100 / 100
The personnel of the units understand the risks related to the corruption risk. As indicated in the Three-year plan, the knowledge of measures and…
Q9 NS/100

Does the public trust the institutions of defence and security to tackle the issue of bribery and corruption in their establishments?

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Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. It is not possible to assess public perception regarding the institutions of defence in…
Q10 100/100

Are there regular assessments of the areas of greatest corruption risk for ministry and armed forces personnel, and are the findings used as inputs to the anti-corruption policy?

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Risk assessments Score: 100 / 100
Assessment of the areas of greater risk of corruption is foreseen by law. The National Anti-corruption Authority identifies the area of major risks of…
Regularity Score: 100 / 100
According to section III.9 of the Three-year plan, a report on the monitoring activities on the implementation plan has to be filled out by…
Inputs to anti-corruption policy Score: 100 / 100
The Three-year plan is updated every year [1] in order to consider recommendations and inputs coming from the annual reports by the Anticorruption supervisor…

Defence Budgets

Q11 83/100

Does the country have a process for acquisition planning that involves clear oversight, and is it publicly available?

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Acquisition planning process Score: 100 / 100
Italy recently underwent a process of revision of the public system, in view of a more transparent and accountable system of the Italian Public…
Transparency Score: 75 / 100
Information on the acquisition process are made publicly available on the website of the Ministry of Defence, where all required information on the DPP…
External oversight Score: 75 / 100
Parliament exercises its right to oversee the acquisition planning. Decisions are made publicly available on the websites of both the Ministry of Defence [1]…
Q12 63/100

Is the defence budget transparent, showing key items of expenditure? And it is provided to the legislature in a timely fashion?

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Comprehensiveness Score: 100 / 100
The defence budget is agreed every year in the framework of the annual budgetary law. On the website of the Ministry of Defence it…
Timeliness Score: 25 / 100
According to Law 244/2012 art. 4 [1], the Ministry of Defence has to present to Parliament its PPD as well as the yearly update…
Q13 88/100

Is there a legislative committee (or other appropriate body) responsible for defence budget scrutiny and analysis in an effective way?

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Formal rights Score: 100 / 100
The analysis of the defence budget is carried out in the wider process of definition of the national annual budgetary law [1]. Therefore, the…
Influence on decision-making Score: 75 / 100
When it comes to the capacity to influence the decision making process, Parliamentary committees can express their opinion on specific aspects related to the…
Q14 75/100

Is the approved defence budget made publicly available? In practice, can citizens, civil society, and the media obtain detailed information on the defence budget?

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Proactive publication Score: 75 / 100
The defence budget [1] — both the estimate and the final budget — as well as the Pluriannual Programmatic Document (PPD) [2] and the…
Comprehensiveness Score: 100 / 100
The budget available for consultation on the Ministry website contains detailed specifications of each functional aspects of the defence budget [1] [2]. Moreover, it…
Response to information requests Score: 50 / 100
Offices for Public Relations of the public administrations have been institutionalised by legislative decree n.29/1993 [1]. Accordingly, the website of the Ministry of Defence…
Q15 50/100

Are sources of defence income other than from central government allocation (from equipment sales or property disposal, for example) published and scrutinised?

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Transparency Score: 75 / 100
Sources of defence income other than those provided by the central administration are indicated in the annual budgetary law [1]. According to Section V…
Institutional scrutiny Score: 75 / 100
Sources other than those assigned by the central government are managed by Difesa Servizi Spa, owned by the Ministry of Defence. As every enterprise…
Public scrutiny Score: 0 / 100
Public scrutiny of non-central government sources of funding is almost non-existant. There is little evidence on public media of public scrutiny of sources of…
Q16 67/100

Is there an effective internal audit process for defence ministry expenditure (that is, for example, transparent, conducted by appropriately skilled individuals, and subject to parliamentary oversight)?

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Activity Score: 75 / 100
Legislative decree 28 December 1998, n. 496 initially created a Consulting Committee in order to ensure a faster, transparent, and rightful contractualisation of purchases…
Enabling oversight Score: 75 / 100
For what concerns control over armament acquisition, parliamentary committees provide their opinion on the scheme of the Ministrerial Decree before the acquisition might be…
External scrutiny Score: 50 / 100
The reports of ISPEDIFE are only published on the intranet of the administration, thus they are not accessible to the public [1]. According to…
Institutional outcomes Score: NEI / 100
There is not enough information to score this indicator. Internal audit results are proactively communicated to the inspected office or person, as indicated in…
Q17 92/100

Is there effective and transparent external auditing of military defence expenditure?

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Activity Score: 100 / 100
The budget of the Ministry of Defence, like any other budget of a public administration, is subject to external audit and control, by the…
Independence Score: 100 / 100
The independence of the Court of Auditors is guaranteed by the Constitution (art. 100), that establishes its direct report to the Parliament. Moreover, its…
Transparency Score: 75 / 100
According to Legislative Decree 123/2011 [1], the Central Budget Office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to the Ministry of Defence releases, every…
Institutional outcomes Score: NEI / 100
There is not enough information to score this indicator. According to Legislative decree 123/2011, reports of the Court of Auditors are scrutinised by the…

Nexus of Defence and National Assets

Q18 83/100

Is there evidence that the country’s defence institutions have controlling or financial interests in businesses associated with the country’s natural resource exploitation and, if so, are these interests publicly stated and subject to scrutiny?

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Legal framework Score: 50 / 100
According to law 56/2012 [1] in implementation of legislative decree 21/2012 [2], the government can exercise special powers to safeguard enterprises operating in strategic…
Defence institutions: Financial or controlling interests in practice Score: 100 / 100
There is no evidence on public media and sources of defence institutions involvement in financing or controlling interests related to national natural resources. [1]
Individual defence personnel: Financial or controlling interests in practice Score: 100 / 100
There is no evidence on public media and sources of individual defence personnel involvement in business related to natural resources [1].
Transparency Score: NA / 100
This indicator has been marked ‘Not Applicable’. This is because the Ministry of Defence does not have control or financial interests in businesses associated…
Scrutiny Score: NA / 100
This indicator has been marked ‘Not Applicable’. This is because the Ministry of Defence does not have control or financial interests in businesses associated…

Organised Crime

Q19 50/100

Is there evidence, for example through media investigations or prosecution reports, of a penetration of organised crime into the defence and security sector? If no, is there evidence that the government is alert and prepared for this risk?

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Penetration of organised crime Score: 25 / 100
In Italy there are ongoing prosecutions on an alleged negotiation between part of the intelligence and police service and the Mafia (trattativa Stato-Mafia). Although…
Government response Score: 75 / 100
The state is aware of the possible penetration of organised crime in the state structures and in the defence and security sector. In carrying…
Q20 75/100

Is there policing to investigate corruption and organised crime within the defence services and is there evidence of the effectiveness of this policing?

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Existence of policing function Score: 100 / 100
All police forces operating on the national territory have the power to investigate on corruption and criminality on the entire territory and in all…
Independence Score: 50 / 100
Being a separate body, the national police is independent from the armed forces and its budget is separate from that of the ministry of…
Effectiveness Score: 75 / 100
Cases are investigated and prosecuted according to the gravity of the crime and can lead to imprisonment [1]. By comparing the number of illicit…

Control of Intelligence Services

Q21 88/100

Are the policies, administration, and budgets of the intelligence services subject to effective and independent oversight?

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Independence Score: 75 / 100
Parliamentary oversight of the intelligence service has been modified in 2007, by law n. 124/2007, when a dedicated Parliamentary Committee (Comitato parlamentare per la…
Effectiveness Score: 100 / 100
The remit of the Committee is indicated in art. 30.2 of law 124/2007: “The Committee shall constantly and systematically verify that the Security Intelligence…
Q22 63/100

Are senior positions within the intelligence services filled on the basis of objective selection criteria, and are appointees subject to investigation of their suitability and prior conduct?

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Objective selection criteria Score: 100 / 100
According to Law 124/2007 (article 1 (e) and (f)) that modified national intelligence services, the Prime Minister nominates and revokes the Director General of…
Selection bias Score: 25 / 100
Appointment of senior positions are decided by the Prime Minister in accordance with the Interministerial Committee. In the occasion of the last nominees, Prime…
Vetting process Score: NEI / 100
Article 30 of law 124/2007 defines the consultative functions of the Parliamentary committee for the Security of the Republic [1]. The article specifies that…

Export Controls

Q23 58/100

Does the government have a well-scrutinised process for arms export decisions that aligns with Articles 7.1.iv, 11.5, and 15.6 of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)?

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Signatory and Ratification Score: 100 / 100
Italy has signed the ATT [1] on 3 June 2013 and ratified it with law 4 October 2013, n. 118 [2].
Compliance Score: 50 / 100
As far as application of the Treaty is concerned, Italy experiences some application issues. According to Art. 7.1.iv of the ATT [1], when agreeing…
Parliamentary scrutiny Score: 25 / 100
Upcoming arms exports are generally not subject to robust parliamentary approval and debate. Article 1(6) of law 185/1990 foresees a parliamentary opinion on arms…

Lobbying in Defence

Q76 0/100

Does the country regulate lobbying of defence institutions?

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Legal framework Score: 0 / 100
Italy has no legislation concerning lobbying, despite several attempt to legislate the sector. In April 2016, the Chamber of Deputies has issued internal rules…
Disclosure: Public officials Score: NA / 100
As there is no national legislation on the issue, this indicator has been marked ‘Not Applicable’. There is no legal requirement on the publication…
Lobbyist registration system Score: NA / 100
As there is no national legislation on the issue, this indicator has been marked ‘Not Applicable’. No mandatory registration system exists. It should be…
Oversight & enforcement Score: NA / 100
As there is no national legislation on the issue, this indicator has been marked ‘Not Applicable’. There is no oversight entity with a mandate…