Operational Risk:




Disregard of Corruption in-Country

Q51 25/100

Do the armed forces have military doctrine addressing corruption as a strategic issue on operations?

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Military doctrine Score: 25 / 100
There are no explicit military doctrines in the armed forces which addresses corruption. The strategic documents, such as the 2018 Strategic Defence Review, do…
Transparency Score: NA / 100
This indicator has been marked Not Applicable as there are no explicit military doctrines in the armed forces which addresses corruption. The Doctrine Development…
Q52 25/100

Is there training in corruption issues for commanders at all levels in order to ensure that these commanders are clear on the corruption issues they may face during deployment?

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Score: 25 / 100
Specific pre-deployment anti-corruption training for commanders does not take place. Mostly, anti-corruption training is included as part of staff military education or integrated as…
Q53 88/100

Is corruption as a strategic issue considered in the forward planning of operations? If so, is there evidence that commanders at all levels apply this knowledge in the field?

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Forward planning Score: 100 / 100
Following the 2016 Integrity Plan which explicitly addressed issues of corruption during deployment in international missions, corruption has been seen as a strategic issue…
Application Score: 75 / 100
Anti-corruption rules are strictly followed during deployment abroad. Staff officers are introduced to the financial issues of the mission while the Chief of the…

Corruption within Mission

Q54 13/100

Are trained professionals regularly deployed to monitor corruption risk in the field (whether deployed on operations or peacekeeping missions)?

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Corruption monitoring Score: 25 / 100
No anti-corruption experts are explicitly deployed during international missions. This is partly due to the fact that the missions are small in scope. Still,…
M&E policy Score: 0 / 100
There is no monitoring and evaluation guidance for anti-corruption during the missions abroad [1].
Transparency Score: NA / 100
Thi indicator has been marked Not Applicable, as North Macedonia does not deploy any personnel for corruption monitoring. Mission reports which outline daily activities…


Q55 38/100

Are there guidelines, and staff training, on addressing corruption risks in contracting whilst on deployed operations or peacekeeping missions?

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Comprehensiveness Score: 25 / 100
No explicit guidelines for addressing corruption risks during the contracting of missions exist. However, on a general level, the Ministry of Defence and the…
Training Score: 50 / 100
Due to the small scope of missions abroad and their incorporation into multinational logistic frameworks, there is no specific training relating to risks of…

Private Security Companies

Q56 NS/100

Are private military contractors employed and if so, are they subject to a similar level of scrutiny as for the armed forces?

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Policies Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. The Law on Service in the Army does not stipulate the required use of…
Scrutiny Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. Private military contractors are not legally defined subjects, so they are not officially scrutinised…
Enforcement Score: NS / 100
This indicator is not assigned a score in the GDI. Private military contractors are not legally defined subjects within the defence sector [1].