What procedures and standards are companies required to have – such as compliance programmes and business conduct programmes – in order to be able to bid for work for the Ministry of Defence or armed forces?
62a. Formal policies
SCORE: 50/100
Israel score: 50/100
Score: 0/100
There are no laws or procedures detailing how the government discriminates in its selection of suppliers and sub-contractors, and suppliers or sub-contractors are not required to sign anti-corruption clauses in contracts with the government.
Score: 25/100
There are no laws or procedures detailing how the government discriminates in its selection of suppliers and sub-contractors, but periodically suppliers or sub-contractors may be required to sign anti-corruption clauses in contracts with the government.
Score: 50/100
There may be laws and procedures detailing how the government discrminates in its selection of suppliers and sub-contractors. Some anti-corruption standards are included in the main contract or subcontracts throughout the supply chain.
Score: 75/100
There are laws and procedures detailing how the government discriminates in its selection of suppliers and sub-contractors on the basis of their integrity. Companies may be required to show that they have a formal and publicly declared anti-corruption programme in place, but some minimum standards are not specified. These standards are included in the main contract as well as subcontracts throughout the supply chain.
Score: 100/100
There are laws and procedures detailing how the government discriminates in its selection of suppliers and sub-contractors on the basis of their integrity. For example, suppliers and sub-contractors are required to show that they have a formal and publicly declared anti-corruption programme in place that adheres to minimum standards established and specified by the procurement authority. The substance of the programme and standards are included in the main contract as well as subcontracts throughout the supply chain.
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
62b. Consistent implementation
Israel score: NEI/100
Score: 0/100
There is evidence that these policies and laws are not implemented.
Score: 25/100
There is evidence that these policies and laws are rarely implemented.
Score: 50/100
There is evidence that these policies and laws are sometimes implemented.
Score: 75/100
There is evidence that these policies and laws are consistently implemented, but not always i.e. for strategically important suppliers.
Score: 100/100
There is evidence that these policies and laws are consistently implemented, including for strategically important suppliers.
Assessor Explanation
Assessor Sources
Compare scores by country
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Country |
62a. Formal policies |
62b. Consistent implementation |
Albania | 0 / 100 | NA |
Algeria | 0 / 100 | NA |
Angola | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Argentina | 0 / 100 | NA |
Armenia | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Australia | 75 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Azerbaijan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Bahrain | 0 / 100 | NA |
Bangladesh | 0 / 100 | NA |
Belgium | 75 / 100 | NEI |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 25 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Botswana | 0 / 100 | NA |
Brazil | 25 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Burkina Faso | 0 / 100 | NA |
Cameroon | 0 / 100 | NA |
Canada | 0 / 100 | NA |
Chile | 0 / 100 | NA |
China | 0 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Colombia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Cote d'Ivoire | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Denmark | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Egypt | 0 / 100 | NA |
Estonia | 25 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Finland | 25 / 100 | NEI |
France | 25 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Germany | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Ghana | 25 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Greece | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Hungary | 0 / 100 | NA |
India | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Indonesia | 75 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Iran | 0 / 100 | NA |
Iraq | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Israel | 50 / 100 | NEI |
Italy | 75 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Japan | 75 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Jordan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Kenya | 50 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Kosovo | 25 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Kuwait | 0 / 100 | NA |
Latvia | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Lebanon | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Lithuania | 25 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Malaysia | 25 / 100 | NA |
Mali | 0 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Mexico | 0 / 100 | NA |
Montenegro | 50 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Morocco | 0 / 100 | NA |
Myanmar | 0 / 100 | NA |
Netherlands | 25 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
New Zealand | 50 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Niger | 50 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Nigeria | 0 / 100 | NA |
North Macedonia | 50 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Norway | 75 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Oman | 0 / 100 | NA |
Palestine | 0 / 100 | NA |
Philippines | 25 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Poland | 50 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Portugal | 0 / 100 | NA |
Qatar | 0 / 100 | NA |
Russia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Saudi Arabia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Serbia | 0 / 100 | NA |
Singapore | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
South Africa | 50 / 100 | NEI |
South Korea | 100 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
South Sudan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Spain | 25 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
Sudan | 0 / 100 | NA |
Sweden | 25 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Switzerland | 75 / 100 | NEI |
Taiwan | 50 / 100 | 50 / 100 |
Tanzania | 50 / 100 | NEI |
Thailand | 0 / 100 | 0 / 100 |
Tunisia | 25 / 100 | 100 / 100 |
Turkey | 0 / 100 | NA |
Uganda | 0 / 100 | NA |
Ukraine | 50 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
United Arab Emirates | 25 / 100 | NA |
United Kingdom | 50 / 100 | 25 / 100 |
United States | 100 / 100 | 75 / 100 |
Venezuela | 0 / 100 | NA |
Zimbabwe | 25 / 100 | NEI |