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About us

Transparency International is a global movement of activists and experts committed to creating a world in which government business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. The movement is composed of national chapters present in over 100 chapters worldwide.

Transparency International – Defence & Security is one of Transparency International’s global programmes and is committed to tackling corruption in the global defence and security sector. Located in London, as part of  Transparency International’s UK chapter, our programme works with defence institutions, governments, defence industry, civil society and international organisations worldwide to strengthen transparency, accountability and oversight systems in a historically opaque and secretive sector. Our staff and senior advisors bring expertise from their military, legal, diplomatic, academic and anti-corruption backgrounds to foster and promote global best practice on defence anti-corruption and to push globally for meaningful reform.

Our vision is of a world without corruption in defence and security.

Our mission is to bring corruption in defence and security out of the shadows. We champion transparency, and mobilise national and international action to build integrity and better security for all.