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Category: Responsible Defence Governance
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25.05.2024 Africa Day 2024: Combatting corruption in defence and security key to future stability and progress  

Michael Ofori-Mensah, Head of Research at Transparency International Defence & Security, said:   “On Africa Day 2024, we acknowledge the significance of this celebration and the tremendous potential for...

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24.04.2024 New paper explores nexus between growing militarisation and defence corruption 

As world military spending hits all-time high, findings from Transparency International highlight urgent need for transparency and accountability    April 24, 2024 – Rising military expenditure is outpacing countries’...

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02.04.2024 GDI 2025: How the Government Defence Integrity Index works, what we assess, and what’s new in the latest iteration 

By Patrick Kwasi Brobbey (Research Project Manager), Léa Clamadieu and Irasema Guzman Orozco (Research Project Officers)    Corruption in defence and security heightens conflict risks, wastes public resources, and...

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28.03.2024 GDI 2025: A new chapter in fighting corruption in defence & security sectors worldwide

March 28, 2024 – Transparency International – Defence & Security (TI-DS) is excited to announce the start of work on the next iteration of the Government Defence Integrity Index...

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16.02.2024 Munich Security Conference: Confronting the invisible threat of corruption 

February 16, 2024 – Transparency International is to shed light on a critical yet overlooked threat at this year’s Munich Security Conference: the use of ‘strategic corruption’ as a...

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15.02.2024 African Union 2024 summit: United front against defence corruption required for lasting peace

February 15, 2024 – As African leaders gather in Addis Ababa for the 2024 African Union (AU) Summit, the urgent agenda of addressing peace and security takes centre stage....

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06.02.2024 Victory for anti-corruption activism underscores pivotal role of informed citizens in fortifying integrity

February 6, 2024 – A successful campaign in Ukraine for the publication of prices paid for non-lethal procurement by the country’s Ministry of Defence highlights how greater transparency can...

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18.01.2024 A good day for asset recovery: $8.9million from arms procurement corruption to be returned to Nigeria

January 18, 2024 – Transparency International Defence & Security welcomes the seizure of $8.9million that was siphoned off by corrupt Nigerian officials from funds meant to be used to...

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17.01.2024 Ecuador crisis: Transparency and accountability in defence & security forces essential for public trust

January 17, 2024 – Responding to the escalating violence in Ecuador, Josie Stewart, Head of Transparency International Defence & Security, said: “Effective civil engagement and open dialogue are the...

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15.01.2024 Taiwan’s new leadership urged to strengthen defence integrity post-election 

Transparency International highlights key areas for anti-corruption efforts   January 15, 2024 – Following the elections in Taiwan, Ara Marcen Naval, Head of Advocacy at Transparency International Defence &...

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24.10.2023 The New Agenda for Peace doesn’t talk about corruption, but it will need to address it

The UN Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace, released in July, makes twelve modest but achievable recommendations on how we can prevent conflict and build peace better. None of them...

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15.08.2023 Transparency International Defence and Security responds to reports of corruption in Ukraine military recruitment centres

Responding to reports of corruption in Ukraine military recruitment centres, Josie Stewart, Director of Transparency International Defence and Security, said: Reports of “unfit to serve” certificates being sold from...

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