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Betrayed by the Guardians: The human toll of corruption in defence and security

In this briefing, we showcase the experiences of people whose lives have been torn apart by corruption within the defence and security sector. Their stories are gathered from across the world, drawn from first-hand conversations with those willing to give testament, and from investigations conducted by media and international organisations.  These stories demonstrate how institutional […]

Des millions de dollars disparus « Nos auditeurs ont besoin d’autonomie » – des solutions pour mettre fin à la corruption qui alimente l’insécurité au Sahel.

L'impact corrosif de l'abus de pouvoir sur les perspectives de paix et de justice en Afrique de l'Ouest a été illustré lors de notre dernier événement organisé à Peace Con '23. Les intervenants de la région ont déploré une "célébration" de la corruption dans des pays où des millions de dollars destinés à la lutte contre le terrorisme ont disparu, tandis que des soldats ont perdu la vie en raison d'un manque d'équipement. Nos responsables du plaidoyer Ara Marcen Naval et Najla Dowson-Zeidan font le point sur les idées et les recommandations formulées par leurs collègues du Sahel.

Millions of dollars missing – ‘Our auditors need autonomy’ – solutions to stem the corruption fuelling Sahel insecurity

The corrosive impact of abuse of power on prospects for peace and justice in West Africa was illustrated at our latest event staged at Peace Con ‘23. Campaigners from the region lamented a “celebration” of corruption in countries where millions of dollars earmarked for fighting terror have gone missing, while soldiers have lost their lives amid a lack of equipment. Our Advocacy leads Ara Marcen Naval and Najla Dowson-Zeidan round-up insights and recommendations shared by colleagues in the Sahel.

Hidden Costs: US private military and security companies and the risks of corruption and conflict

Our latest research catalogues conflict and corruption around the word – harm caused by leaving the privatisation of national security to grow and operate without proper regulation. Post-Afghanistan, exploitation of global conflicts is big business. Most private military and security firms are registered in the US, so we are calling on Congress to take a […]

Le Dénominateur Commum: Dans quelle mesure la corruption au sein du secteur de la sécurité alimente-t-elle l’insécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest?

La corruption dans le secteur de la sécurité a un impact néfaste à la fois sur le secteur de la sécurité lui-même et sur la paix et la sécurité au sens plus large, en alimentant conflits et instabilité. Des études quantitatives ont mis en évidence la correlation entre corruption et instabilité étatique. Les états dominés […]

L’Elément Manquant: lutter contre la corruption au travers des processus de réforme du secteur de la sécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest

Pendant des décennies, la stabilité en Afrique de l’Ouest a été grandement perturbée par les conflits internes, souvent financés par la vente illégale d’armes ou l’extraction illicite de ressources naturelles. Que ce soit au Liberia, en Sierra Leone et en Côte d’Ivoire ou au Mali, au Burkina Faso et au Nigeria, la corruption a souvent […]

The Common Denominator: How Corruption in the Security Sector Fuels Insecurity in West Africa

This policy brief explains how corruption in the security sector has a detrimental impact both on the security apparatus itself and on wider peace and security, by fuelling tensions and adding to conflict and instability. Quantitative studies have underscored how corruption and state instability are correlated, with states dominated by narrow patronage-based systems more susceptible […]

The Missing Element: Addressing Corruption through Security Sector Reform in West Africa

This report argues that strengthening accountability and governance of groups including the armed forces, law enforcement and intelligence services – not just providing training and new equipment - is a crucial but often neglected component to successful security sector reform in West Africa.

Military Involvement in Oil Theft in the Niger Delta

The Niger Delta is the most important oil-producing region in Africa, with its oil providing 70 per cent of Nigeria’s government revenue. However, alongside the legitimate trade in the Delta’s oil products, there is a lucrative and organised illicit oil trade that reportedly loses Nigeria 200,000 barrels of oil every day. Participants in oil theft, […]

Camouflaged Cash: How ‘Security Votes’ Fuel Corruption in Nigeria

Ahead of the 2019 Presidential elections in Nigeria, Transparency International and the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Center (CISLAC) are calling on candidates to commit to scrapping the unaccountable and secretive “security vote” spending – one of the most durable forms of corruption in Nigeria—saying that they fail to provide real security for citizens. Read the […]

Weaponising Transparency: Defence Procurement Reform as a Counterterrorism Strategy in Nigeria

Weaponising Transparency has found that unpublished defence budgets and arms procurements are still open to abuse by corrupt officials seeking to benefit from the conflict with Boko Haram and launder stolen money abroad. Many deaths in the conflict have occurred while the military lacks vital equipment, critical training, and morale.

Policy Brief: Strengthening Accountability in the Nigeria Defence Sector

Recent scandals surrounding arms procurement have highlighted how corruption in the Nigerian defence sector is threatening Nigerian security. Billions of dollars of equipment meant for soldiers to fight Boko Haram have allegedly been misappropriated by top-level defence and security officials, eroding the armed forces’ ability to respond to conflict and endangering the lives of Nigerian […]