NAKO Mandate
The following publication is the mandate for the Independent Defence Anti-Corruption Committee (Nezalezhny Antikorrupciynii Komitet z pytan oborony) NAKO.
The mandate is as follows:
1) Monitoring & evaluation
2) Developing anti-corruption recommendations
3) Providing open, regular analysis and reporting
4) Promoting transparency
5) Contributing to policy
6) Strenghtening international and national accountability structures
7) Enabling citizen feedback
Relevant Publications
Poor Governance and Corruption in Ukraine’s Defence Housing System: Risks and Recommendations
Six Red Flags: The Most Frequent Corruption Risks in Ukraine’s Defence Procurement
Just What the Doctor Ordered: Corruption Risks in the Ukranian Military’s Medical Supply
Mission Made Possible: External Oversight and Anti-Corruption in Fragile States
Making the System Work: Enhancing Security Assistance For Ukraine
NAKO Terms of Reference
NAKO Members
NAKO Mandate