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Defence industry influence in Italy: Analysing defence industry influence on the Italian policy agenda

This report examines systemic vulnerabilities and influence pathways through which the Italian defence industry may exert undue influence on the national defence and security agenda. Compiled by Transparency International Defence and Security with the support of the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD) and Osservatorio Mil€x, this report forms a case study as […]

Analisi dell’influenza dell’industria della difesa sull’agenda politica italiana

Questo rapporto esamina le vulnerabilità sistemiche e i possibili percorsi attraverso i quali l’industria italiana della difesa può esercitare un’influenza indebita sull’agenda politica nazionale in materia di difesa e sicurezza. I governi e l’industria dovrebbero mitigare il rischio di influenza indebita, rafforzando l’integrità delle istituzioni e dei processi politici e migliorando il controllo e la […]

Defence industry influence in Germany: Analysing defence industry influence on the German Policy Agenda

This report examines systemic vulnerabilities and influence pathways through which the German defence industry may exert inappropriate influence on the national defence and security agenda. Governments and industry should mitigate the risk of undue influence by strengthening the integrity of institutions and policy processes and improving the control and transparency of influence in the defence […]

Analyse des Einflusses der Rüstungsindustrie auf die Politik in Deutschland

Transparency Deutschland und Transparency International Defence & Security haben im Rahmen einer gemeinsamen Studie den Umfang möglicher Einflussnahme durch die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie auf die Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik untersucht. Das Ergebnis: Die Möglichkeit der Einflussnahme durch die Wirtschaft besteht, trotz der im Grundgesetz geforderten strikten Kontrolle von Politik und Beschaffung in diesem Bereich durch Parlament und Regierung. In […]

Evaluation of the functioning and impact of the EU Defence and Security Public Procurement Directive (2009/81/EC) across 20 EU states

This evaluation is based on a review of 8 indicators in Transparency International’s (TI) unique dataset, the Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index, analysing procurement control mechanisms, policies and procedures from 20 European government defence ministries collected during 2014 and 2015. The paper identifies positive and negative practices across countries, as well as the overarching trends analysed […]

Classified Information: A review of current legislation across 15 countries & the EU

This report reviews the security classification legislation of fifteen countries which have grappled with the need to balance national security concerns with granting citizens the right to access information.