Transparency International Defence & Security’s (TI-DS) 2023-2025 Gender Mainstreaming Strategy aims to promote the capacity of the organisation to mainstream a gender perspective and move towards good and best practice approaches of gender-sensitivity and gender-responsiveness. Gender-sensitivity ensures that TI-DS programmes, projects and activities reduce the risk of harms to partners and participants and reduces risks […]
Corruption in defence and security heightens conflict risks, wastes public resources, and exacerbates human insecurity. Events such as the collapse of the Afghan security forces and fall of Afghanistan, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and a spate of coups across Africa, have brought these linkages into sharp relief, and shone a glaring light on the need […]
Heavy reliance on technocratic ‘train and equip’ approaches turns a blind eye to political determinants and neglects the need for a sensitive re-balancing of power for reform success. This publication showcases anti-corruption opportunities in security sector reform initiatives.
SDG 16.5 sets the target of substantially reducing corruption and bribery in all their forms. As a component of SDG 16, this recognises that addressing corruption is essential for the peace, justice, and strong institutions that are necessary for sustainable development. Tackling the pervasive problem of corruption in the defence and security sectors is crucial to achieving this target. This Spotlight […]
Corruption can be a determining factor in the success or failure of a military operation. It can also exacerbate insecurity in the operating environment by inadvertently strengthening corrupt networks. Rather than being treated as a secondary issue by militaries, identifying and countering corruption risks should be treated as a strategic priority. TI-DS_MilitaryOperations_Factsheet_digital0
Lorsque la corruption s’infiltre dans la défense et la sécurité, les conséquences pour la paix et la sécurité sont dévastatrices. Cela peut conduire à l’effondrement de l’état de droit et à une perte de confiance dans les institutions. La corruption prospère dans des environnements ayant de faibles mécanismes de contrôle, un secret excessif et un […]
When corruption infiltrates defence and security, the consequences for peace and stability are devastating. It can lead to the breakdown of the rule of law and a loss of trust in institutions. Corruption thrives in environments with weak control mechanisms, excessive secrecy, and limited civilian democratic oversight. The absence of effective governance provides the ideal […]
L'impact corrosif de l'abus de pouvoir sur les perspectives de paix et de justice en Afrique de l'Ouest a été illustré lors de notre dernier événement organisé à Peace Con '23. Les intervenants de la région ont déploré une "célébration" de la corruption dans des pays où des millions de dollars destinés à la lutte contre le terrorisme ont disparu, tandis que des soldats ont perdu la vie en raison d'un manque d'équipement. Nos responsables du plaidoyer Ara Marcen Naval et Najla Dowson-Zeidan font le point sur les idées et les recommandations formulées par leurs collègues du Sahel.
The corrosive impact of abuse of power on prospects for peace and justice in West Africa was illustrated at our latest event staged at Peace Con ‘23. Campaigners from the region lamented a “celebration” of corruption in countries where millions of dollars earmarked for fighting terror have gone missing, while soldiers have lost their lives amid a lack of equipment. Our Advocacy leads Ara Marcen Naval and Najla Dowson-Zeidan round-up insights and recommendations shared by colleagues in the Sahel.
The perception of transparency in defence needs to change. Currently, secrecy is often the norm and transparency is the exception. Instead, transparency should be the norm and secrecy the exception. Despite robust and widely agreed international and national anti-corruption and freedom of information legislation that governs public sectors, the defence sector remains secretive and lacking […]
Regulatory oversight of the private military and security sector is failing to keep pace with the rapidly growing and diversifying industry, leading to heightened global risks of fraud, corruption and violence. Better regulation of the industry is urgently needed. This three-page fact sheet defines Private Military and Security Companies and outlines the required response.
Our latest research catalogues conflict and corruption around the word – harm caused by leaving the privatisation of national security to grow and operate without proper regulation. Post-Afghanistan, exploitation of global conflicts is big business. Most private military and security firms are registered in the US, so we are calling on Congress to take a […]