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MSC 2015: Corruption Threats to Stabilisation Missions and Defence Capacity Building

The effectiveness of international interventions and defence capacity building programmes is at considerable risk from corruption threats in countries being supported. Corruption can not only reduce the chances of success of the mission, but can also lead to complete subversion of its intent. This paper discusses ways in which the international community can better recognise […]

Suspension & Debarment: Strengthening integrity in international defence contracting

How can governments protect themselves from corruption in the contracting process, without becoming overburdened by long and detailed legal processes? This report offers a new option: suspension and debarment systems. Suspension and debarment systems protect governments from engaging doing business with contractors who pose a business risk by preventing them from participating in government contracts […]

Avgustina Tzvetkova: An interview with the Deputy Defence Minister of Bulgaria 2009 – 2013

This interview with Avgustina Tzvetkova, former Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Defence, analyses the experiences from Bulgaria’s Defence Integrity Initiative between 2009 to 2013. Many important anti-corruption reform measures were introduced by the Ministry of Defence in this period, even though they were not continued by the subsequent government. The purpose of this interview is to […]

Identifying Corruption Threats in the Defence and Security Sector: Empirical evidence using the Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index

This article contributes to the debate on conceptualizing corruption by suggesting that sector-specific typologies of corruption risks are useful heuristics that encourage understanding of corruption without attempting to define it in a way that is inherently contestable or inappropriately succinct. To develop this position, this article reflects on the difficulties in trying to define corruption […]

Corruption Threats & International Missions: Practical guidance for leaders

Corruption is a feature of all conflicts, playing a key role in the power-struggle between competing groups for resources and power. This places mission leaders in a challenging situation because it means engagement with corrupt entities is frequently inevitable. This handbook is directed at military and civilian leadership and their staff involved in planning and […]

Single Sourcing: A multi-country analysis of non-competitive defence procurement

Full and open competition is one tool for governments to help ensure best value for money. Yet previous studies highlight that the defence sector is poor in this respect. This report explores trends in the award of non-competitive or single-source contracts in defence.

Classified Information: A review of current legislation across 15 countries & the EU

This report reviews the security classification legislation of fifteen countries which have grappled with the need to balance national security concerns with granting citizens the right to access information.

The extent of single sourcing in defence procurement and its relevance as a corruption risk: A first look

Single-source, or non-competitive, defence procurement is a widespread phenomenon that is prevalent both in devel- oping countries and in advanced arms exporting countries. The usual competitive bidding process – which assists in both value-for-money evaluation and in lowering corruption risk – is used much less often than expected in defence procurement. Whilst there can be […]

Chapter: Unveiling the ‘Shadow World’ – Civil Society Engagement and Public Control of the Defense Sector

The defence sector can seem like a ‘shadow world’, obscured from public view through state secrecy and technical complexity. Public control over defence is not only a democratic necessity, however, but is also in the interest of defence organisations to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and trust. In this chapter from Transparency International Mexico’s newly published report […]

Chapter: Defence procurement – understanding, identifying and addressing corruption risks

Corruption within defence procurement can have a detrimental impact on security, operational effectiveness, and public trust. Despite defence procurement being a key area of focus in anti-corruption measures in many countries, there remains a serious lack of transparency. In this article for Getting the Deal Through – Public Procurement 2014, Tehmina Abbas summarises Transparency International’s […]

Étude sur les aspects de l’intégrité de la Force de Défense Nationale du Burundi

Le rapport, intitulé « Étude sur les aspects de l’intégrité de la Force de Défense Nationale (FDN) » , fournit une évaluation des risques de corruption au sein de la FDN et propose des actions à mener pour faire face aux défis identifiés.

Building Integrity in UK defence: Practical recommendations to reduce corruption risk

In this report, launched 24 March 2014, we make seven recommendations for the UK Ministry of Defence to reduce corruption risks. Transparency International is calling for the MOD to analyse the main corruption risks, strengthen anti-corruption policies, provide guidance for staff, strengthen whistleblower protection, develop military doctrine on corruption in operations, and to strengthen anti-corruption […]
