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Defence Integrity Action Fund

Civil society plays a unique and crucial role in countering defence corruption and increasing transparency, accountability and integrity in the sector. It can:

  • Produce high-quality research, identifying defence corruption risks and setting global transparency standards;
  • Collaborate with ministries of defence, oversight institutions, and the armed forces to build their capacity to improve transparency and integrity;
  • Creating will for change, holding their governments to account and campaigning for positive change in the defence sector.

Created in 2016, the Defence Integrity Action Fund (DIAF) is a way for Transparency International – Defence & Security to support Transparency International chapters or partner organisations in their efforts to improve defence governance. We fund innovative research projects, work with partners to help create anti-corruption plans, and support expertise building and coordination between national or regional civil society organisations. Grants are awarded through a fair and competitive process and reflect the strength of project proposals and donor priorities.

So far, we have funded 10 chapters and partner organisations for projects ranging from improving transparency in defence procurement to researching the link between corruption and staff retention in defence institutions and producing a national version of the Defence Companies Index on Anti-Corruption and Corporate Transparency (DCI).

For questions related to the Defence Integrity Action Fund, please do not hesitate to get in touch at Please note that the call for proposals for 2019 is currently closed.

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